Thursday, April 02, 2009

It's like a four-year-old in here.

"Why won't things be good?" She wails in despair.  
What things, and how are they not good?
"I don't know, you know...things.  They're bad, not good.
And I thought they would be GOOOOOOOOOOOD!"
She is very sad. Saaaad.  SAD.  Just look at that lip jut out.
Are you disappointed?  Frustrated?  Hungry?  Angry?  
"No.  I don't know.  And my teacher is mean.  And my classmates are stupid.  
I want things to be excellent and they are only good.  And I don't have my cupcake anymore."
Things won't always be like you want them to be and sometimes people are mean, or stupid.
Er-herm.  And you ATE your cupcake.  Excellence is an ideal, a journey, not something 
you can just have when you want it.  I know this is sad news, and you're disappointed.
I wish I could tell you something else, but this is life.  The sooner you accept it the 
sooner you can get on with it.
"NooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Make things BE GOOOD!"
Things are go...