Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ok, maybe it IS a little bit a poetry blog...

I'm going to see the world's best baby!  My nearly-brother and his wonderful wife (my almost-sister-in-law) have this wonderful kid.  In Vermont, pray for my tiny cold tootsies.  I can't wait to see Les and meet his lady and cuddle my practically-nephew!

Lookit that baby, she thinks.
His open face is both solemn and happy.
The light in his eyes says his spirit
lives down in there full time and 
finds it safe and good.  He's heavy 
and solid with it, and she envies
him and longs to protect him in 
equal measure.  Her brain sings
of all the sorrow he'll see if he's 
lucky to have long life, but she 
brushes it away and thinks of the
joys.  It's the same story, really;
told with the heart in the throat 
or on the sleeve.

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